
Sunday, March 9, 2025


 I landed in Norwich exactly a week ago via a National Express couch that took my behind into England's frontline against Germany.

It my first time in these parts and...well the accents are proper English and the cross of St George's less celebrated. 

 With the Ramadan spirit around me I can only offer you the the food of mankind.

Thursday, November 23, 2023

The Return of the Caravel

 I woke up this morning not knowing where I was. I can see a bridge outside a large glass plane. But it told of no place, no where. My destination had been erased from my mind. Casablanca? Tangier? 

I laugh, laughed very hard when I realized I had returned from my journey and was look outside the airport window.

Friday, November 10, 2023

Days of Heaven

We approach the crown of Ouikandem's peaks the Domes of Heaven.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Ouidakem - I came for the stars.

We pray and wish and despair but Time has its own schedule. 

I have read about the renaissance of Arab astronomy for over 10 years. Now those years have focused into a single moment, this one.

Since the formation of the Arab Astronomical society over 7 years Marrakesh has been its HQ. 

Yesterday I was fortuned to be meet Professor Zouhair Ben Khaldoun the society's president and founder. He has very kindly let me lodge at the world famous Oukaïmeden worlds became famous here. 

In 2016 the Oukaimeden observatory co-discovered the Trappist 1 a system of 7 exoplanets in Aquarius. 

''There is a truck taking some equipment to the observatory tomorrow." Prof Zouhair words were the music of the ears. So I leave for Ouikadem from a garage on the outskirts of Marakessh.  My driver is an Amazigh man in his early 30's. Hassan. He's wears a baseball cap and hits the road.

The horizon is rugged, we seem on a collision course with a lions mouth.

Marakessh have more Moroccan flags a first time visitor would think this was still living in Almoravid times when Marakessh was Morocco's capital. 

I start to see a grove of trees on my left.

"Ici c'est les jardin?'' 

'''La ziyat'' .....Menara's...le Jardin de olives. So neatly spaced they look like a flank of Oliver Twists asking for more aperture's attention. We give each other a solid Attention!

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Getting ready for the Presidential summit

Once I return from the Medina I spread out my clothes ready for tomorrow's snowy peaks.

I look from the top of the Riad and see this drama next to old buildings that were demolished after the earthquake. 

"'Leave that which does not concern you." The Prophet Muhmmed SAW

"I don't love man less but nature more." Alexander Pope

Orion, the Pleiades and Jupiter are bright and titillating they are here to usher me on to the climax of my journey....

Saturday, November 4, 2023

From the White House to Casablanca

 I have live here for the past 7 years.

All's the world a stage, time to make a movie!...let's "go for the waters.''  

Far above the madding crowd, my camera starts to roll....its about 6 am down below and the darkness that flows in-between the lights does nothing to pacify the masses who are about to roll like my camera in a blender on a Ferris wheel. 

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Coco and the Real Coco.

What would you do if you had just 24 hour in Paris?